Tuesday, October 30, 2012

JK Rowling Interview #2 part 3

     Picking this up again. First question is: Is the kindle the future of literature or the death of publishing?  JK Rowling said, Somewhere in between - has had a huge impact on publishing. We should be encouraged/grateful people are reading. I agree with her. Some people may find enjoyment reading on an electrical device but I personally prefer a real book. If it gets the world involved with literature, then I am for it. If parents want their kids to read, should they restrict them from watching the telly? JK Rowling said, I think you need to find balance and watch TV with your kids so you know what they are learning. There is some value to watching TV, I personally struggle with a television addiction so you really need to watch how much television your kids are watching. Who are you the most starstruck about meeting? JK Rowling said, President Obama and Bob (a photographer for Teddy Kennedy - he is amazing - I could talk to him for a week). I would expect the person to be a movie star or author. I am surprised by her answer. Have you ever had to go out in disguise so people don't stop you in the street? JK Rowling said, I bought my wedding dress in disguise - that is the only time I have ever done that but I wanted to get married to Neal privately. I totally respect this - and she won't tell what her disguise was - smart woman! That's it for today. Type at you in a few days!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

JK Rowling Interviews #2 part 2

           I am continuing the post from last time. If you want to know my opinion on the first half just scroll down. "What happened to the political fairytale for children?" I personaly dislike politics being mixed with children but I do encourage anything by her. "Do you know which book will be published next?" I respect her fondness of freedom. I wouldnt like having no choice either! "If you  could be compared to any author in your fantasy - which author would you like to be compared to?" Children's author Ian Esbit, Adult - 18th century author like Dickens. I haven't heard of Esbit but I fully intend to look her up and find out if she is as good JK Rowling. "Is there ever such a thing as a child who doesn't like to read books?" When I was in 4th grade, I hated to read but then I started reading the Harry Potter books and fell in love with literature. Now I love to read. This proves that the right book can change any kid's outlook on reading.

I will pick this up on Thursday. (:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

JK Rowling Interviews #2 part 1

     This was kind of a strange interview. The questions were not what I was expecting., maybe because it's British. It got off to a strange start "What's the worst thing about your life today?" . A bit dark for an interview, but I'm glad to know Rowling doesn't have to many big issues. "What keeps you awake at night?" I find it interesting that Rowling is an insomniac. I wonder if she wrote some of the Harry Potter books when she couldn't sleep. "Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey?" Honestly it would creep me out if she read that book. Children authors should not read sexual books! The next question is some British political thing so I have no opinion.  "Whats the best novel you've read in the past year?" She said Song of Apollo , I haven't read it but I fully intend to check it out. "Do you have a guilty pleasure when it comes to reading?" She said "who done-its" I am not quite sure what that means so no comment. "... were you going write a crime novel?" She unfortunently is not writing a crime novel. Rumors just set me up for dissapointment.

    This is a long interview so I will pick this up next time. GOOD NIGHT!!!! PEACE OUT!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What if Harry Potter was president?

       With the up coming election we all have the same question circling our mind, who to chose? Romney or Obama? If Harry Potter was running would you vote for him? This is completely hypothetical because Harry is not an American born citizen. But lets play pretend here, imagine President Potter.
       Let us start with the good he would do. Harry has a strong sense of moral values and wasn't tempted by the dark side so this means he won't be some big corporation's puppet. Harry would try to fix corruption. Harry is the kind of person who cares about the little guy, he will always fight for the average person. Plus no terrorists would attack us with a wizard in charge.
        Now for the bad MWAHAHA. If we got involved in a war with Harry in charge we would definitely lose. Harry is to selfless he wouldn't be able to let any of our men die, he would literally try to fight the entire war by himself. We would have no post office, he would make us all use owls.
        Overall I think Harry would make an okay president. We would get through the four years but he wouldn't revolutionize our country. Though who knows, maybe in office Harry could lead our country into a new age. An age of magic.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alan Rickman

Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman is a British performer of both stage and screen. He plays Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series. I personally think he does a phenomenal job. Rickman has a great sense of character, you really love to hate him! He has been around for a while, Rickman was born 21 February 1946. WHOA he is 66 years old!!! He seems a little to old to be playing Snape, but  he pulls it off. I think his best Potter performance was in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. I love it when Harry's looking through the memories and Snape turns out to be a good guy. It makes you want to cry because he made you hate him so much then he makes you love him. Alan Rickman is one of the best villains ever brought to the big screen. I encourage you to see some other movies he is in. I like Sweeny Todd (Bellatrix and Wormtail are in it to!)