Tuesday, March 19, 2013


You may remeber Buckbeak the Hippogriff from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, his species is what I shall be discussing today.

Wikipedia defines a Hippogriff below:

A Hippogriff (also spelled Hippogryph and Hippogryphe, Italian: Ippogrifo) is a legendary creature, supposedly the offspring of a griffin and a mare.

Wikibooks says the following:

A hippogriff is a creature that has the "body, hind legs, and tail of a horse; but the front legs, wings, and head of what seemed to be a giant eagle, with a cruel, steel-colored beak and large, brilliantly orange eyes. The talons on its front legs were half a foot long and deadly looking."

Much more descriptive. In the the third Harry Potter book you read about Buckbeak. Buckbeak is Hagrid's grey pet Hippogriff. He is a character many people are fond of (I named my roster after him). He does likable things like biting Draco Malfoy. Arrogant and ignorant Malfoy says before being bitten.

"I'll bet you're not dangerous at all, are you? Are you, you great ugly brute?"
     -- Draco Malfoy to Buckbeak, making a rather serious mistake

Draco proceeded to be a total cry baby. He runs to his rich daddy saying he is more hurt than he really is. Lucius Malfoy than goes on to convince " Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures" to have Buckbeak be executed. Harry and Herimone later released Buckbeak from Hagrid's pumpkin patch (the executioner and other people were nearby inside Hagrid's house). The then fly Buckbeak to Sirius Black. Sirius and Buckbeak than became fugitives together.

We have seen Buckbeak eat ( I am going to assume what he eats is the typical Hippogriff diet) chicken bones, dead ferrets, and dead rats. He is also depicted digging in the ground for worms. He has grey feathering and orange eyes. Individual Hippogriff colors vary such as mundane horses, including black, bronze, chestnut, grey, and roan. An adult Hippogriff has a wingspan of about 24 feet. Hippogriffs are dangerous unless tamed, so watch out!

There is certain protocol to be followed when wanting to interact with this creature. The Harry Potter Lexicon said the following:

"A person wishing to approach a hippogriff should maintain eye contact and should bow first; if the animal bows in return, it can be touched and even ridden. Hippogriff owners are required to keep them under Disillusionment Charms to prevent Muggles from seeing them (PA6, FB). "

Hippogriff are a very interesting and majestic creature. I hope to have shed a little light on the subject of their species.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


    Today I will take a quiz called "Your life in Hogwarts". I don't really know what this quiz will tell me but Harry Potter is involved so might as well blog about it. Take it if you want to. Shouldn't it be "at" not "in", whatever. Okay, here are my responses and results.

"You just recieved your letter to get into Hogwarts, what do you do?"
You knew it was going to get to you someday and you are excited to get sorted.
"What house do you want to be in the most?"
Ravenclaw (because I like learning, especially when it comes to something fun like magic)
"If there were tryouts for quidditch would you go?"
I'm not athletic so I would rather spend my time doing something I'm good at. (like spells c: )
"Who do you have a crush on out of these?"
Neville Longbottom (it used to be Draco but I have a newfound appreciation for Neville)
"What would your patronus be?"
A Panther (because Polar Bear weren't an option)
"What out of these some up your personality most?" (not a typo - they used some not sum)
I love reading, writing a(nd) generally using my mind to achieve great things (another typo in the quiz!)
"If you were in the battle of Hogwarts which side you would fight on?"
The good side.
Anna Lomas
Name: Anna Lomas
Nickname: Anne, Anny

House: Ravenclaw

Status: Pureblood

Grades: E's & O's

Year: A year older than Harry

Personality: Intelligent, Loud, Loyal, Witty, Ambitous, Cunning

Family: Bethany Lomas (mother), Steven Lomas (father)

Best friends: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood & Hermione Granger

Close friends:  Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
Enemies: All Slytherins

Crush: Neville Longbottom

Wand: Cherrywood , 13 inch, Unicorn Hair

Quidditch position: Your scared of heights and wouldn't dare to even touch a broom

Best spell: Finite

Best class: Herbology

Patronus: Owl

What people think of you
Fred and George Weasley: Whos that? We better prank her. Yeah merlin knows how shes avoided us for this long!
Neville Longbottom: Anna is in advanced Herbology, and shes helped me with alot of work, Shes really pretty too but don't tell her that!
Draco Malfoy: Ugh that little blood traitor doesn't deserve to be able to do magic. 
Pansy Parkinson: Draco hates her?... THEN SO DO I! THE LITTLE BRAT!Harry potter: Anny is really nice, she does my herbolody homewor for me, it gives hermione a rest
Hermione Granger: Shes shown me some great books to study from in the library!
Ron Weasley: Shes alright I geuss

Luna Lovegood: Anne is my bestfriend ever! shes so sweet and loving. And she Likes me for who I am and doesn't call me loopy..... Oh yeah have you seen my house scarf its gone missing? Maybe it was the nargles...

Headmaster Dumbledore: Anna is very bright and a Pleasure to have at Hogwarts
Professor Sprout: Oh yes miss Lomas is amazing at herbology.

You have always had a crush on Neville ever since you saw him shuffle in the huge crowd of first years to get sorted, Most people bullied and teased him which you hated and always stood up for him even if you ended up getting bullied yourself.
In seventh year you and Neville got closer and Closer to eachother in standing up to deatheaters.
In the battle of Hogwarts you protected your friends before anyone else even they were on different sides. You eventually got Knocked down by a powerful Hex and were put into the great hall with other people who were injured or dead. After Neville had killed Nagini he came running to you and h kissed you Lovingly, ever since then you hav both been madly in love with eachother.
When you and neville left Hogwarts you got a job in a herbology store while neville taught herbology at Hogwarts. You both never got married because you agreed that it was just a piece of paper but you did have one child. A girl names Rose