Thursday, November 1, 2012

JK Rowling Interview #2 part 4

          Just wrapping this long interview up. "Are you eternally grateful that people think your called JK Rawling when your name is really Jo Rowling?" I have never ever heard someone pronounce he name wrong. Sure peple say JK instead of Jo but it is her pen name so it is to be expected. Don't be hating on America, people usually don't say it wrong! Next question is "Are you relieved now that the original publishers have said you should be JK rather than Jo to protect your anonymity?" I think it is really nice that she seperates her life like that! I would feel uncomfortable if my mom wrote a book and her life revolved it. While this is the end of a video that gave me plenty to work with, now what should I do? What Harry Potter related thing will I do next? Read next week to find out!!!

P.S. It is kind of a wierd word so here is the defination of anonymity from


noun, plural an·o·nym·i·ties.
1. the state or quality of being anonymous.
2. an anonymous person: some fine poetry attributed to anonymities.

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