Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fan Club

     So when I was in fifth grade I started a Harry Potter fan club. There were a few other kids and we didn't do much. We had plans to make shirts but we never got around to that. We did play my Harry Potter board game (Its like clue, but at Hogwarts!) and discussed movies and books.  I decided to look online to find out if there were Potter fan clubs out there on the web.

There are.

One that I found was "Harry Potter Fan Club", really creative name. On this website they talked about books and posted fan art.

This month's art winner

 They even had games. One I played was called Chaser. Instructions:
Use the up and down arrow keys to move vertically. You cannot move horizontally. Try to get the quaffle past the keeper. Use the ctrl key to shoot.
The game wasn't very fun but I thought I should try. My score was 140. Can you beat it?

Link to game
There were also some mini-movies but those were terrible. 

My favorite feature was the dictionary. It had a lot definitions. It was nice that they were not so obscenely long like on HarryWiki. HarryWiki is still a good research website.

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