Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quidditch Rules

      Quidditch is a game played up in the air on broomsticks, Harry Potter plays seeker. Basically there a three hoops on each teams side, one higher hoop and two lower ones. These are called goal posts, you use the quaffle to score. The quaffle is one of four balls and the chasers thrust them through the goal posts. There are three of these 'chasers' on each team, and the are the main sorce of points. The people who protect the goals are called keepers, one player at a time per team, they are like soccer goalies. Those two brown balls you see to the right are the bludgers, and they fly around trying to knock players off their brooms! There are two beaters who have the job of hitting the bludgers away from their team and hopefully towards the opposing team. The last ball is the golden snitch. This is the most important ball in the game, because thats how it ends. Once the seeker cathches this small golden winged ball their team is awarded 150 points and the game is done.

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