Tuesday, September 18, 2012

JK Rowling Interviews #1

Katie Couric interviewing JK Rowling in 2005 for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I thought this was a pretty good interview. The first part (before she started talking to JK) was kind of cheesy but the Harry Potter jokes made me laugh. "Talk about a Shrieking Shack" and "...Blow off the shelves faster than a golden snitch.”. I really wish I could ask JK Rowling some questions. I would ask “What does Sirus do in his free time?" I have just always wondered that. I found it pretty creepy when Katie Couric said "I wish I could have brought hundreds of children in my suitcase but that would be illegal...”. I personally respect Aunt Petunia for taking care of Harry but I hate her for being so narrow minded and rude. I think reading your own book is pretty pathetic so I am glad she usually doesn't. Okay this third question irritated me so bad! It is not a person, it has a purpose and it fulfills that purpose by sorting and it does not need to do anything else! "The idea shop!" I understand why that would be annoying; I don’t know where you would get ideas other than your imagination. I would go to Hogwarts learn magic, hang out with students and teachers, and see all the amazing creatures. I honestly think a 4th grade class wouldn't enjoy this book but I also believe that Harry has good values and can be a great role model. Jesse. You. Are. Full. Of. It. I AM HER BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!! My favorite color is blue like that liar Jesse. I also like dogs and otters but not cats like JK Rowling. I really enjoyed this interview and next time I will do a more recent one.

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