Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"What You Need To Know About Draco Malfoy" Comments

This blog is bout what The Harry Potter Secrets blog ( http://thehpsecrets.blogspot.com/) posted. The blue words in parenthesis are my thoughts and comments.

What You Need To Know About Draco Malfoy

  • Draco Lucius Malfoy is loosely based on bullies Rowling encountered during her school days.
( A lot of the characters are probably based off real people then.)
  • Draco Malfoy's first-draft names were Draco Spungen, Draco Spinks, and Draco Smart
( Draco Spungen is a lot less bad ass than Draco Malfoy. )
  • Draco's surname, Malfoy, is derived from the French phrase mal foi, meaning "bad faith."
( Then Harry's should be based of the French phrase "assistant génial", use Google Translate. )
  • After the war, Draco Malfoy & family avoided imprisonment in Azkaban due to their last-minute switch in allegiance
( Yet once Voldermort came back they swithced sides, smooth moves Malfoys, smooth moves.)
  • Draco Malfoy married Astoria Greengrass, the younger sister of his classmate Daphne Greengrass.
( Whoa, way to marry the most important character ever... )
  • Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass had a son together named Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.
( Well, that kid is going to get made fun of. )
  • Draco, Astoria, and Scorpion live in Malfoy Manor
( I imagine Astoria as a gold digger...... Just sayin' )
  • Draco Malfoy is good at compartmentalizing his life, which makes him skilled at Occlumency & at bullying others
( Lots of big words, I'm just going to interpret that as he is good at being a douche. )
  • Draco Malfoy was attracted to be a Death Eater, but the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle
( I wonder what his kid thinks of his daddy's dark mark 0.o )
  • Draco Malfoy would have attended Durmstrang Institute, but his mother didn't want him staying far away from home.
( Because Hogwarts isn't away from home. )
  • Draco Malfoy was one of the series' most popular characters due to Tom Felton's performances, much to JKR's dismay
( Well she just doesn't understand the amazingness of Tom Felton )
  • Draco Malfoy had a fondness for green apples.
( Draco Malfoy's bad qualities: a jerk, snobby,and likes green apples? )
  • Draco Malfoy was the only known follower of Voldemort to receive Voldy's hug.
( It's because he's cuddly, like a teddy bear. )
  • Draco Malfoy was not capable of producing a Patronus as it is not magic routinely taught at Hogwarts.
( Comment what you think his Patronus animal would be, I say snake. )
  • JKR has discarded a scene (twice) where Theodore Nott goes to the Malfoy home to visit Draco.
( Poor Theo never can get a break. )
  • Draco Malfoy made an effort to be Harry's friend because he thought it would be cool to turn up at Hogwarts being his friend.
( Well yeah, who doesn't want to be friends with "The Boy Who Lived" ? )
  • Draco Malfoy made peace with Harry but they were still not considered to be anything at all near friends.
( They are not gay for each other, no matter how many fan-fiction photos\songs\& stories are made. )
  • IGN listed Draco Malfoy as their ninth top Harry Potter character.
( I would have said at least number seven. )
  • It was made clear to him that he was triply special: firstly as a wizard, secondly as a pure-blood, and thirdly as a member of the Malfoy family.
( And he is played by an attractive actor, just another bonus. )

I hoped you enjoyed my comments : )