Thursday, September 27, 2012

Check out what I made!

      Okay so I have recently discovered this thing called a "wordle".  If you do not know what a wordle is and are to lazy to goggle it read this:

Web definitions
  • A tag cloud or word cloud (or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, typically used to describe the content of web sites. ...

  • Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. ...
     So now you know o.O
  Anyways after discovering this....thingy? I decided to create my own. After making a few personal one I saw you could take a url ( like ). It takes words from the site and puts it into wordle form. I as you may have suspected did this for my blog and here it is: Harry Potter Wordle
     I am not the first person with this idea. Other people made Harry Potter worlde also! What a small world.

They clearly did a better job than me! I thought mine was the best ever until Google Images proved me wrong! Oh well maybe I will do this again later and it can turn out better.
P.S. I know this wasn't all that Harry Potter-y but it was educational and interesting so deal with it!

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