Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nicolas Flamel

     Nicolas Flamel was born around 1325, he died soon after June of 1992. Flamel was able to live for so long because he was the inventor of the philosopher's stone. In case you forgot the philosopher's stone lets you live forever. Despite his knowledge and longevity, we are asked to believe that, although he had managed to keep the stone safe from who knows how many dark lords for approximately 600 years, he was unable to protect it from Voldemort and prevent its destruction in 1992. That sounds quite fishy to me, but I am not one to question the great JK Rowling.  He created his Elixer of Life with the help of his dear wife, Perenelle. Flamel is noted as an alchemist of considerable talent and as an opera-lover. It is said he enjoyed his later years living a quiet life in Devon. Although it is clear that he used the Elixir to greatly extend his life, it is not specified whether he used the Stone's powers to make himself greatly wealthy, as the Stone is also capable of turning any metal into gold. Even though he could live forever as the richest man alive, he would rather live a LONG simple life with his wife.

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