Thursday, November 15, 2012

Were the Malfoys ever punished?

    I saw this posted on another Harry Potter Blog:

Were the Malfoys ever punished?
Before Voldermort’s return, any witch or wizard who had previously been associated with him were put in Azkaban. Despite their late realization that their family was more important than their allegiance to the dark lord, the Malfoys were well known Death Eaters in the last few novels. Therefore many readers have questioned if they were punished. At the end of book 7, Harry sees Draco at Platform 9 and three quarters where he gives him a ‘curt nod and turns away’. This suggests that Draco at least was spared from going to Azkaban, but what about his villainous father Lucius? Were they ever accepted again by the wizarding world?
     I always imagined the Malfoys at trial. I could see them arguing that they were forced to follow The Dark Lord. I think that would make a good story, I shall email my idea to JK Rowling later (FAN MAIL!!!). As for the nod I am pretty sure they don't send teenagers to Azkaban. Draco would, no could, not survive in prison. Three resons why:
  1. Could not handle himself in a fight
  2. Rich boy (bad food)
  3. Annoying
      They weren't that "liked" anyways so I assume without Voldermort's influence they would be even more widely hated. Poor Draco, if only his parents had become gardeners instead of Death Eaters.

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