Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter with Potter

     Happy Easter! I love Easter the colors, the spring weather, and the chocolate. You know who else probably enjoys Easter? HARRY POTTER. But you probably saw that one coming. I throw together an Easter photo and now I am going to talk about Harry's Easter.

    I started by using Google for information. Harry Potter Wiki said the following:

"Easter, sometimes known as Easter Day or Easter Sunday, is an important annual religious feast celebrated in both the Muggle world and the wizarding world. Easter is the last day of Holy Week. Easter falls between late March and late April each year, as its date is not fixed.
In the wizarding world, Easter is celebrated as a week-long holiday. During this week, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has holidays, during which students may return home or stay in the castle without classes."

Okay than... Well I am going to focus on Harry's Easter basket. Below is just some incredibly luck person's basket, I shall talk of what the contents of Harry's are (in my mind of course)



Here is what I think might be in there

Deluminator (Put-Outer):
 A Deluminator is a device invented by Albus Dumbledore that looks like a standard cigarette lighter. It is used to remove or absorb (as well as return) the light from any light source to provide cover to the user. If Ron gets one I think Harry should too.

A Revealer is a bright red eraser, used to make invisible ink appear. It made its first appearance in Chamber of Secrets when Hermione tried to make hidden writing appear in Tom Riddle's diary. I think this is a fun yet useful item. Harry would enjoy.

Exploding Snap:
Exploding Snap is a wizarding card game in which the cards spontaneously explode during games. The game is popular with Hogwarts students. In Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron are held back from investigating why spiders were fleeing Hogwarts because Fred and George delayed them with this game. Ron later singed his eyebrows while building a card house with Exploding Snap cards. This is a game that I think would cheer Harry up. Fighting Voldemort is stressful.

Maybe some more silly prank items (from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes):

  • Weasley's Wild-fire Whiz-Bangs are enchanted fireworks that have overly spectacular and remarkable effects.

  • Skiving Snackboxes are sweets that are designed to make the eater ill in order to skip or "skive off" class. Each variety of Snackboxes causes a different effect, such as vomiting, fainting or developing nosebleeds. One end of the sweet causes the malady, while the other end subsequently cures it..

  • Trick Wands are magical fake wands that turn into a silly item (rubber chickens, tin parrots, etc.) when someone tries to use them. More expensive varieties beat the unwary user about the head and neck.

  • Ton-Tongue Toffees make the eater's tongue temporarily grow to an alarmingly large size, as read about in Goblet of Fire when Fred "accidentally" drops some in front of Dudley, who subsequently eats one they "forgot" to retrieve.

  • Through some candy in there.

    And there is a Easter basket I think young Mr. Potter would enjoy.

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