Thursday, April 4, 2013

Funny Harry Potter Pictures

Harry Potter has a very large fan base. These incredibly devoted fans write books, blogs (like me), comics, and weird fantasies about Harry Potter. They also make and edit photos for the enjoyment of fellow fans of Rowling's work. Today I shall focus on images.

I found this first one pretty funny. So true, more climatic that way.

                                                                     Oh, Snape.

 Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the Half-Blood prince of a town called Bel-air

In west Great Britain born and raised
In the Hogwarts where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some spells outside of the school
When a couple of wizards, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in my house
I got in one little fight and my headmaster got scared
He said "Your  moving over to Slytherin"

Just me.....making stuff up. Not really the story of Snape, just having a little fun.


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