Tuesday, October 30, 2012

JK Rowling Interview #2 part 3

     Picking this up again. First question is: Is the kindle the future of literature or the death of publishing?  JK Rowling said, Somewhere in between - has had a huge impact on publishing. We should be encouraged/grateful people are reading. I agree with her. Some people may find enjoyment reading on an electrical device but I personally prefer a real book. If it gets the world involved with literature, then I am for it. If parents want their kids to read, should they restrict them from watching the telly? JK Rowling said, I think you need to find balance and watch TV with your kids so you know what they are learning. There is some value to watching TV, I personally struggle with a television addiction so you really need to watch how much television your kids are watching. Who are you the most starstruck about meeting? JK Rowling said, President Obama and Bob (a photographer for Teddy Kennedy - he is amazing - I could talk to him for a week). I would expect the person to be a movie star or author. I am surprised by her answer. Have you ever had to go out in disguise so people don't stop you in the street? JK Rowling said, I bought my wedding dress in disguise - that is the only time I have ever done that but I wanted to get married to Neal privately. I totally respect this - and she won't tell what her disguise was - smart woman! That's it for today. Type at you in a few days!

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