Thursday, October 4, 2012

What if Harry Potter was president?

       With the up coming election we all have the same question circling our mind, who to chose? Romney or Obama? If Harry Potter was running would you vote for him? This is completely hypothetical because Harry is not an American born citizen. But lets play pretend here, imagine President Potter.
       Let us start with the good he would do. Harry has a strong sense of moral values and wasn't tempted by the dark side so this means he won't be some big corporation's puppet. Harry would try to fix corruption. Harry is the kind of person who cares about the little guy, he will always fight for the average person. Plus no terrorists would attack us with a wizard in charge.
        Now for the bad MWAHAHA. If we got involved in a war with Harry in charge we would definitely lose. Harry is to selfless he wouldn't be able to let any of our men die, he would literally try to fight the entire war by himself. We would have no post office, he would make us all use owls.
        Overall I think Harry would make an okay president. We would get through the four years but he wouldn't revolutionize our country. Though who knows, maybe in office Harry could lead our country into a new age. An age of magic.

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