Thursday, October 11, 2012

JK Rowling Interviews #2 part 1

     This was kind of a strange interview. The questions were not what I was expecting., maybe because it's British. It got off to a strange start "What's the worst thing about your life today?" . A bit dark for an interview, but I'm glad to know Rowling doesn't have to many big issues. "What keeps you awake at night?" I find it interesting that Rowling is an insomniac. I wonder if she wrote some of the Harry Potter books when she couldn't sleep. "Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey?" Honestly it would creep me out if she read that book. Children authors should not read sexual books! The next question is some British political thing so I have no opinion.  "Whats the best novel you've read in the past year?" She said Song of Apollo , I haven't read it but I fully intend to check it out. "Do you have a guilty pleasure when it comes to reading?" She said "who done-its" I am not quite sure what that means so no comment. "... were you going write a crime novel?" She unfortunently is not writing a crime novel. Rumors just set me up for dissapointment.

    This is a long interview so I will pick this up next time. GOOD NIGHT!!!! PEACE OUT!!!

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